Our Old House

As I might have mentioned, I’m on floors at the moment.  The old house had wooden floors, the colour was great and they stood up well to everything we threw at it, often literally with all three of the children being little there.  The whole ground floor was done at once as the last stage of the renovation, it finished the place off so well. The house had four rooms, a bathroom (in pink and black) and a kitchen when we moved in. We added two bedrooms and a shower room upstairs and bashed a few walls about downstairs to end up with a brilliant kitchen diner leading straight out to decking and a fab garden.  We probably would have put a room on the back had we stayed, we had good times there, the decision to move to the bungalow once Dad died was a tough one but we made the right choice, definitely.

At the weekend I was looking back through the images used for selling the house, to remind myself the look of the old floors.  I realised you may like to see them too, have a look. I do have to admit this was the day the house looked its best ever.


I love white houses, it just wouldn't work on the new place at all,
I love white houses, it just wouldn’t work on the new place at all, shame
you can see the colour well here, that is it after about 8 years
you can see the floor colour well here, that is it after about 8 years, it did pretty well
the front bedroom upstairs
the front bedroom upstairs
my beloved old kitchen
my beloved old kitchen- it was the best – especially the way it opened onto the deck,  I really miss that here.

The Regeneration

The next stage here is well underway, we cleared the middle messy pit of a room and, since it’s now empty, the decision is whether to just go for it and redecorate it before the floors are done.  I’m for white in there, what a surprise, and C really fancies some wallpaper. Although I like a bit of white, I saw a great blue colour today that could work, the sample’s reserved to be picked up asap.  One thing that is for sure, we’ll get rid of the light fitting, photos to come of that soon.  This is the room that C has allocated as ‘his’ and he is thinking that a new Gibson ES-339 would be the perfect accessory for it.  There’s a lot of chatting to do I fear.  I’ll keep you posted.

26 September 2013

Glad you’re still here reading, I know it’s been a while.  Life seems to have been on fast mode lately, I’ve hardly had time to stop and smell the roses let alone take photos of them.

The Regeneration is very frustrating, all those little thing that need done are still there and now it is getting colder again they really need sorted.  The windows need handles and the heating has ‘issues’, the ensuite needs to be painted (that’s my job) and some flooring.  I just won’t mention the mess AGAIN or the doorbell that no longer rings…

Something that I am glad to show you is the legendary dresser, back in one piece after about 20 years, the men worked round it the whole build and it finally made its way down the stairs some time ago.  A paint job is needed, but I am seriously chuffed that I kept it much to everyone’s disdain, my sister excepted.

the dresser as one, not sure about the pelmet bit
the dresser as one, not sure about the pelmet bit

Another minor development is this little spot outside the garden room. Clearing all the weeds and sorting it all out took me ages the other weekend, I’ve not quite managed to sit there soaking up the Autumn sun with a cuppa and a cake yet but there’s still time.

bistro spot
bistro spot

Other Stuff

This fine specimen was spotted at the school where F does drama lessons at the weekend, the building is straight out of Harry Potter though it’s not the school that is reputed to have inspired Ms Rowling.  I couldn’t resist him.


We’ve had a birthday in the bungalow and here’s the cake, it’s really not great but my ‘minecraft boy’ did the face himself and he loved it.  There was a lot of fuss about who got the precious black bits, eugh.

a creeper - apparently they go around saying sssssss
a creeper – apparently they go around saying sssssss

Since the discovery of Instagram,  my SLR has been rather redundant. I wonder if  the novelty will wear off once the light changes and winter is with us.  Do you still carry a camera and use your phone I wonder?  My October plan is to get my trusty old Canon out with the 50mm lens and get snapping.

Finally,  this came through the door today with Elle Decoration, I am reliably informed that it is only 90 days to go. That’s a thought…


2 July 2013

sneak peak into H's bedroom cupboard
sneak peak into H’s bedroom cupboard
F's cupboard door handles
F’s cupboard door handles

Today I’m sharing some of the things I love about our new rooms.  Instead of getting bogged down by what I’ve got to do, I am going to enjoy what has been done and what we have gained.   The chaos downstairs will get sorted slowly but surely over the next wee while.  These things take time (good line for a song).

view from my bed
view from my bed – shutters are fab
upstairs bathroom
upstairs bathroom
how long have I loved these radiators? now I have one in my bedroom
how long have I loved these radiators? now I have one in my bedroom

Other Stuff

Instagram is something I’ve been aware of for some time but have never really got into, I’m wary of it I guess.  This post from  Tales from a Happy House Instagram has changed my mind, now I’m keen to get on and use it.  My goal is a photo a day for the whole of the school holidays.  I will let you know once I’ve got organised with a name and so on, technoteenboy will be on hand if I get stuck

Daisies cannot be beaten – look at these super hair accessories being modelled by the gorgeous H.  Wish I’d got myself some now.

love a daisy
love a daisy

The Glasonbury father returned eventually last night.  Tired, brown and happy that he was home after a super-long bus journey.   The kids all have their very own Glasto t-shirts now, H and F have all the bands that played on their backs – one is not that great for a 5 year old to notice.  Never mind. L has a Rolling Stones one which he absolutely loves. It’s good to have C back xx